Warning Signs That May Indicate That a Child or Adolescent has ADHD:
(Symptoms must be at a level of impairment for a diagnosis to occur)
Possible Symptoms on Inattention:
- Difficulty regulating and prioritizing attention, including over-focusing on stimulating activities
- Distracted easily from the task at hand by noises or things going on around them
- Looking around frequently
- Difficulty staying focused on one activity
- Daydreaming
- Not focusing on speaker when spoken to
- Unable to remember verbal instructions
- Misinterpreting instructions
- Unable to pay attention to details
- Difficulty completing work without being reminded
- Losing things
- Difficulty organizing belongings and work
- Difficulty starting things
- Forgetting normal routines
Possible Symptoms of Hyperactivity:
- Fidgeting and squirming
- Problems remaining seated
- Talking excessively and at inappropriate times
- Often running and climbing
- Standing instead of sitting at the table
- Unable to settle into a quiet activity
- Constantly on the go
- Frequently handling or touching objects and other people
Possible Symptoms of Impulsivity:
- Acting or reacting before considering consequences
- Butting into conversations
- Blurting out answers in the classroom
- Beginning work before instructions are given
- Disturbing others who are playing
- Grabbing others belongings
- Touching, grabbing hitting others
- Problems waiting for turn or standing in line
- Making impulsive decisions
Signs That May be Present in the Classroom
- Inattention
- Easily distracted
- Incomplete work
- Problems with getting homework done
- Problems bringing homework and necessary books home
- Difficulty remembering to hand work in
- Not able to produce the same amount and/or level of school work as others
- Need for repeated instructions
- Misinterpreting instruction and questions on assignments or tests
- Difficulty with handwriting
- Difficulty understanding what is read
- Careless errors
- Problems paying attention to details
- Problems with spelling and math
- Problems with sequencing
- Forgetting deadlines or difficulty completing work on time
- Problems with organizing larger assignments and projects
- Problems starting assignments
- Frequent daydreaming and presenting as spacey
- Excessive talking and interrupting others
- Blurting out answers
- Unable to sit still, constantly on the move
- Touching, pushing and grabbing others or things impulsively
- Interrupting others at play
- Problems dealing with frustration
- Tentative and unsure of trying new things and learning new skills
- Reluctant to volunteer answers or be called upon
- Does not make or keep friends easily
- Unable to change focus or start and stop activities
- Transitions or changes produce agitation or frustration